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Ha Long Bay Weather Forecast

Temperature, wind, rain and more for Ha Long Bay


DayLocal TimeDirSpeed/
Feels Like
HumidityPressureCloud AmountPrecip AmountWeather
Fri 07


9 / 12 mph 58 / 56°F 74% 1022 mb
Low level cloud: 99%
Mid level cloud: 97%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


9 / 11 mph 60 / 60°F 72% 1022 mb
Low level cloud: 94%
Mid level cloud: 95%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


6 / 6 mph 61 / 61°F 69% 1020 mb
Low level cloud: 97%
Mid level cloud: 95%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


5 / 6 mph 61 / 61°F 73% 1018 mb
Low level cloud: 83%
Mid level cloud: 72%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


8 / 9 mph 61 / 61°F 76% 1020 mb
Low level cloud: 100%
Mid level cloud: 98%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


10 / 13 mph 59 / 59°F 82% 1021 mb
Low level cloud: 100%
Mid level cloud: 95%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In
Sat 08


13 / 15 mph 60 / 60°F 85% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 100%
Mid level cloud: 98%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


13 / 16 mph 59 / 59°F 88% 1018 mb
Low level cloud: 97%
Mid level cloud: 90%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


13 / 16 mph 59 / 59°F 87% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 97%
Mid level cloud: 51%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


12 / 14 mph 61 / 61°F 85% 1021 mb
Low level cloud: 99%
Mid level cloud: 64%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


12 / 13 mph 63 / 63°F 84% 1018 mb
Low level cloud: 96%
Mid level cloud: 63%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


12 / 13 mph 63 / 63°F 84% 1017 mb
Low level cloud: 99%
Mid level cloud: 100%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


12 / 14 mph 62 / 62°F 86% 1018 mb
Low level cloud: 100%
Mid level cloud: 73%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


14 / 20 mph 61 / 61°F 87% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 100%
Mid level cloud: 54%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the past 3 hours.
0.0 In


Ha Long Bay Weather and Climate

Ha Long Bay  is in North Eastern Vietnam. The coast stretches a vast 120km from Yen Hung to Van Don.  It has a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: a hot and humid summer and a cold and drier winter. Ha Long Bay’s average temperature is from 15°C- 25°C. Follow the link for a current weather forecast if planning a visit to Ha Long Bay, as the island experiences annual rainfall from between 2 meters and 2.2 meters, so choose the best time to go! 

The summer months in Ha Long Bay (June to August), are generally much wetter, due to the tropical rainstorms. Average temperatures range between lows of 17°C to highs of 32°C. In general August is the hottest time of the year to visit, however also the wettest. Rainfall has been recorded at approximately 265 millimetres, with the average rain or drizzle falling on 14 days of the month. Sunshine throughout these months range between 8-9 hours per day. Night time temperatures rarely drop below  25°C, providing a very warm evening.

During the winter months (November-February), Ha Long Bay's climate tends to be a lot drier and cooler, making it the 'low season' to visit. Temperatures range from lows of 0°C to highs of 24°C. There is usually around 5 to 8 hours of sunshine per day, with November being the sunniest month. During these months the humidity is approximately 83% and the average rainfall is 23mm, with the wettest month being January. In general, these months usually present fog, and tend to have low visibility.


Ha Long Bay Holiday and tourist information

Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. The bay consists of a broad cluster of over 3,000 limestone monolithic islands, each topped with thick jungle vegetation. Some of the islands are hollow, with enormous caves. Ha Long Bay is an amazing seascape, sculpted by nature itself. Most of the islands are uninhabited, because of their rocky nature. Significant features of Ha Long Bay include the well developed limestone caves with pillars, notches and arches. In addition, there are many lakes within the limestone islands. Also, there are caves and grottos, filled with small waterfalls, stalactites and stalagmites. Visitors can rent a kayak or a junk boat to explore the different islands.

The bay maintains a high level of naturalness, despite its long history of human use. Many tourists visit Ha Long Bay each year, to feast their eyes on its’ amazing limestone islands, rock formations and caves. The islands and islets have odd shapes because rainwater has worked its way through the limestone. Every year, heavy tropical rains wash out limestone and carve out the odd shapes, creating caves and grottos. This phenomenon is called a tower karst. Therefore, it is recommended that you view our rain charts before planning your visit to Ha Long bay.

In contrast to the rest of the world, land formations in Ha Long Bay are standing in the water, and the ocean waves continue to carve the shoreline, deepening the caves and changing the face of the cliffs and grottos.


Ha Long Bay Tourist Attractions

Dau Go Grotto Is one of the most famous caves in Ha Long Bay. The cave’s name is derived from 13th century, when General Tran Hung Dao used the cave to hide his lethally sharpened wooden stakes. These weapons were used later to destroy enemy Mongol fleets.

Thien Cung Cave was discovered recently in the mid-1990s on Dau Go Island. The cave can be reached by a steep flight of steps. It is illuminated by floodlights in pink, green and blue that draw attention to the sparkling stalactites that hang from the high ceiling.

Sung Sot Cave
Hang Sung Sot is located on Bo Hon Island, it is known as “The Cave of Awe” and it features three chambers. The first cavern features a large rock that is lit in pink. This rock is worshiped as a fertility symbol by the locals.

Dong Tam Cung is a large karst fissure; it consists of three chambers that are full of stalactites and stalagmites. All three grottoes are illuminated by strategically placed spotlights, which emphasize the variety of stalactites.

Trong Cave is southeast of Hang Bo Nau. It is known as the “Drum Cave” because it echoes faintly with a percussive sound when a swift wind blows past its stalactites and stalagmites. 

Tuan Chau Island is a large island to the south of Bai Chay. It has been developed as a recreation complex. The island provides tourist entertainment in the form of whale, dolphin, and sea lion shows. Visitors can also relax on the sandy beach and enjoy local cuisine at a number of seafood restaurants there.

Titop Island
Titop Island boasts an isolated beach that is great for swimming. You can hike to the top of the islet to see the breath-taking view of Ha Long Bay. Visitors can enjoy a number of water-sports facilities available at the small beach, including parasailing.

Top Cultural Tips for Ha Long Bay

Dress code- Respect other cultures and abide local dress attire. Woman's tops should cover their shoulders and both men and woman's shorts should go to their knees, or longer. Shoes should be removed when entering temples, and other religious sites.

Greeting the locals- Instead of shaking hands, it is tradition in Vietnam to press your hands together in front of your chest and bow slightly.

Watch out for your chopsticks- In Asia, incense sticks are burned for the dead as a sign of respect. Therefore leaving chopsticks vertical, in this fashion, is a powerful symbol and unappreciated.

Remove those shoes- When entering someone's home, it is tradition to remove your shoes. Vietnamese maintain clean floors, therefore it is deemed rude to keep shoes on. Also, never point the bottom of your feet towards other people or anything sacred such as a Buddha. Again this is seen as disrespectful and rude. Embrace the culture!

Other Locations Near to Ha Long Bay

Cities and Towns: Campha, Vietnam
The 7 day weather forecast summary for Ha Long Bay:

Taking a look at Ha Long Bay over the coming week and the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 22°C, with a high for the week of 26°C expected on the afternoon of Tuesday 11th. The average minimum temperature will be 18°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Friday 7th at 14°C. Expect the week ahead to have mixed weather with some days dry and some seeing a little rain. It looks like Friday 7th will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 9.0mm. On the whole winds are likely to be moderate.

The day label given represents the local day relative to the local time for the location you are looking at.
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This time is corrected for local time zones and where possible for daylight saving times.
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Local Time

The wind direction we use on this page is the direction the wind is coming from, given in a 16 point compass format.
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This refers to the sustained average wind speed, normally averaged over a period of 10 minutes for up to 3 hrs.
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Temperature from our forecast perspective are fairly well defined, they are what we would expect to measure in a standard meteorological screen (in other words, shaded and well ventilated) at 2 metres above ground level.
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Feels Like

The relative humidity is the percent of saturation humidity, generally calculated in relation to saturated vapour density.
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The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at.
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Precip Amount

The total amount of cloud as a percentage is derived from looking at cloud cover throughout the atmosphere and estimating how these combine when looked at from the ground.
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Cloud Amount

Here we try to capture the feel of the weather as an image – it will never be perfect but is useful for a quick overview.
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When we measure for forecast air pressure we are normally doing this relative to a certain height and most commonly relative to Mean Sea Level.
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