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Holiday Weather

Benidorm Weather Forecast

Temperature, wind, rain and more for Benidorm


DayLocal TimeDirSpeed/
Feels Like
HumidityPressureCloud AmountPrecip AmountWeather
Sun 23


13 / 16 mph 57 / 54°F 80% 1028 mb
Low level cloud: 67%
Mid level cloud: 26%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


12 / 15 mph 56 / 54°F 81% 1028 mb
Low level cloud: 33%
Mid level cloud: 33%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


10 / 13 mph 56 / 54°F 80% 1030 mb
Low level cloud: 32%
Mid level cloud: 30%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In
Mon 24


7 / 10 mph 56 / 55°F 78% 1030 mb
Low level cloud: 23%
Mid level cloud: 39%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


4 / 6 mph 56 / 55°F 75% 1029 mb
Low level cloud: 22%
Mid level cloud: 19%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: low
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


3 / 4 mph 55 / 55°F 74% 1029 mb
Low level cloud: 4%
Mid level cloud: 12%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


5 / 6 mph 60 / 58°F 71% 1030 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 1%
High level cloud: 22%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


8 / 10 mph 62 / 62°F 66% 1029 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 94%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


11 / 13 mph 63 / 62°F 67% 1026 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 3%
High level cloud: 100%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


10 / 13 mph 60 / 60°F 75% 1026 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 0%
High level cloud: 100%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


10 / 18 mph 58 / 56°F 67% 1026 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 1%
High level cloud: 7%
Most Significant Cloud Type: high
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In

Other Locations Near to Benidorm



Holidays in Benidorm are famous for white sandy beaches and a nightlife which would make anyone dust off their dancing shoes.

Located on the Costa Blanca in the province of Alicante, Valencia, Spain this lively resort is 1 hour and 30 minutes away from Alicante Airport.

With popular towns and resorts such as Moraira, Benidorme, Alicante and Albir located nearby you will never find yourself getting bored around these parts.

So whether you want to bask in the gorgeous Mediterranean sun or enjoy the flamboyant night life then everything you need is just a stone’s throw away in Benidorm.


With an average maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius to keep you warm during the holiday season there is plenty of opportunity to soak up the summer rays.

Benidorm is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in all of Europe, some with a Blue Flag Award under their belts. Levante Beach is the most popular beach in this area thanks to its stunning sandy shoreline which meets the enticing Mediterranean Sea to create an image perfect for any postcard. Furthermore this beach is family friendly with life guards as well as signs which indicate meetings places so you can rest assured in the knowledge that your family will be safe.  With over 5000 sun loungers calling your name you are more than likely to find the perfect spot to bask in the glorious Benidorm sun. If, however, it gets a little bit too busy for your liking then Poniente Beach still provides you with beautiful views of the med but in a much calmer and quieter setting. Furthermore with an average sea temperature of 23 degrees Celsius, a quick swim will provide some welcomed relief from the heat.

It’s not just beautiful beaches and gallons of Sangria on offer in these parts. Something which is more than likely to keep the whole family entertained is Terra Mitica. This theme park is over a million square feet of fun and adrenaline-inducing rides. Wonder through the differently themed areas within the park which are based on the ancient civilizations of Greece, RomeEgypt, Iberia and the Barbary Coast.


The temperature in Benidorm during the autumn months stays relatively high with an average maximum temperature of 25 degrees Celsius meaning that you can still take a stroll down to the beach if you so desire. However with an average sea temperature of 22 degree Celsius you should maybe only go for a quick dip as the temperatures can be rather bracing.

If you like marine wildlife then you can see some impressive sea creatures up close and personal at Mundomar. This marine based park provides thrills and spills for the whole family with dolphin shows where everyone can get involved. There is also a sea lion and seal show which is sure to provide a few laughs due to their comedic antics. Furthermore, you can also see tropical birds which make you feel like you are in the depths of the jungle.


In the winter months the temperatures forecast are still fairly warm with an average maximum temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. However, this is one of the wettest seasons with average rainfall of 23 mm being forecast.

One way to heat yourself up if the temperature drops to 7 degrees Celsius which is the forecasted minimum temperature is to indulge your taste buds. Good restaurants are ten a penny in these parts and serve some of the most delicious food in the whole of the Costa Blanca. Aitena Restaurant is a Spanish restaurant which is well known for its good food. Served in a traditional Spanish setting with a huge open fire, it is no wonder this restaurant keeps its customers coming back for seconds.

Another popular haunt in these parts is The Vagabond Restaurant which is nestled in the old town of Benidorm. With dishes which are produced with the freshest of local ingredients food lovers are assured of a first class dining experience here. Friendly atmosphere, good food and traditional Spanish wine, what more could you ask for?



Benidorm may be well known for its beaches and nightlife but it all had to start from somewhere. With an average maximum temperature of 22 degrees Celsius it is pleasant enough to do some exploring.

The Old Town of Benidorm has attracted tourists from far and wide because it is a typical example of traditional Spanish culture at its finest. The town is a maze of old cobbled streets which are lined with white houses and eateries where you can sit and watch the world go by. There is also a white blue-domed church called the church of San Jamie which acts as a catalyst of spirituality and beauty in this small, quaint town.

If you quite like a bit of adventure included in your holiday package then Benidorm will not disappoint. The Canelobre Caves, located near the village of Busot are the largest and deepest caves in all of Spain. As these caves are over 150 million years old you can guess that you will see some amazing sights including crystalline stalactites and stalagmites.

The 7 day weather forecast summary for Benidorm:

Taking a look at Benidorm over the coming week and the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 16°C, with a high for the week of 19°C expected on the afternoon of Tuesday 25th. The mean minimum temperature will be 13°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Sunday 2nd at 11°C. Expect the next week to have mostly dry days although Sunday 23rd and Tuesday 25th are likely to see a little rain. Predictions are Sunday 2nd will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 4.0mm. On the whole winds are likely to be moderate.

Benidorm holiday weather information

We provide Benidorm holiday weather for the next 7 and 14 days. The 7 day weather for Benidorm provides weather information in 3 hourly intervals for each day and our 14 day Benidorm weather provides weather data in 6 hourly intervals. We also provide monthly climate averages for Benidorm. These monthly climate averages provide average temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, amount of rainfall in months, wind speed and much more. So if you are planning to go on holiday to Benidorm then do check our monthly climate average section.

We also provide latest weather for Benidorm and if you would like to see the past 24 hours weather in hourly format then do check our latest section. In addition, we have a weather risk page dedicated to Benidorm which allows you to check out the probability of rain or thunder for Benidorm.

As we are passionate about weather we would go to any steps to make sure you too are kept informed of the weather at all times. So if you are planning to go to Benidorm on holiday or business then please do take the chance of receiving a weather text for Benidorm which we will send to your mobile.

We also have following holiday destinations near to Benidorm

Costa Blanca       Albir       Calpe       Benissa       Moraira       

The day label given represents the local day relative to the local time for the location you are looking at.
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This time is corrected for local time zones and where possible for daylight saving times.
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Local Time

The wind direction we use on this page is the direction the wind is coming from, given in a 16 point compass format.
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This refers to the sustained average wind speed, normally averaged over a period of 10 minutes for up to 3 hrs.
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Temperature from our forecast perspective are fairly well defined, they are what we would expect to measure in a standard meteorological screen (in other words, shaded and well ventilated) at 2 metres above ground level.
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Feels Like

The relative humidity is the percent of saturation humidity, generally calculated in relation to saturated vapour density.
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The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at.
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Precip Amount

The total amount of cloud as a percentage is derived from looking at cloud cover throughout the atmosphere and estimating how these combine when looked at from the ground.
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Cloud Amount

Here we try to capture the feel of the weather as an image – it will never be perfect but is useful for a quick overview.
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When we measure for forecast air pressure we are normally doing this relative to a certain height and most commonly relative to Mean Sea Level.
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