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Holiday Weather

Universal Orlando Weather Forecast

Temperature, wind, rain and more for Universal Orlando

United States Of America

DayLocal TimeDirSpeed/
Feels Like
HumidityPressureCloud AmountPrecip AmountWeather
Thu 25


2 / 2 mph 89 / 85°F 27% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 6%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


5 / 6 mph 89 / 84°F 25% 1016 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 8%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


13 / 16 mph 79 / 78°F 45% 1018 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 8%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


8 / 11 mph 71 / 71°F 60% 1020 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 13%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In
Fri 26


5 / 8 mph 68 / 68°F 68% 1020 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 24%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


5 / 8 mph 66 / 66°F 73% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 15%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


4 / 6 mph 69 / 67°F 69% 1021 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 19%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


7 / 8 mph 83 / 80°F 44% 1022 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 15%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


10 / 12 mph 89 / 86°F 30% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 27%
High level cloud: 0%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


16 / 18 mph 85 / 82°F 36% 1019 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 44%
High level cloud: 33%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


14 / 17 mph 77 / 78°F 51% 1021 mb
Low level cloud: 0%
Mid level cloud: 15%
High level cloud: 6%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In


10 / 13 mph 71 / 71°F 69% 1022 mb
Low level cloud: 1%
Mid level cloud: 15%
High level cloud: 74%
Most Significant Cloud Type: medium
Expect 0.0 In of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.0 In precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.0 In
The 7 day weather forecast summary for Universal Orlando:

For Universal Orlando in the coming week the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 31°C, with a high for the week of 35°C expected on the afternoon of Thursday 2nd. The mean minimum temperature will be 19°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Thursday 25th at 18°C. Expect the week ahead to remain predominantly dry. On the whole winds are likely to be moderate.

Universal Orlando holiday weather information

We provide Universal Orlando holiday weather for the next 7 and 14 days. The 7 day weather for Universal Orlando provides weather information in 3 hourly intervals for each day and our 14 day Universal Orlando weather provides weather data in 6 hourly intervals. We also provide monthly climate averages for Universal Orlando. These monthly climate averages provide average temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, amount of rainfall in months, wind speed and much more. So if you are planning to go on holiday to Universal Orlando then do check our monthly climate average section.

We also provide latest weather for Universal Orlando and if you would like to see the past 24 hours weather in hourly format then do check our latest section. In addition, we have a weather risk page dedicated to Universal Orlando which allows you to check out the probability of rain or thunder for Universal Orlando.

As we are passionate about weather we would go to any steps to make sure you too are kept informed of the weather at all times. So if you are planning to go to Universal Orlando on holiday or business then please do take the chance of receiving a weather text for Universal Orlando which we will send to your mobile.

We also have following holiday destinations near to Universal Orlando

International Drive       Orlando       Fly Drive       Lake Buena Vista       Walt Disney World Resort       

The day label given represents the local day relative to the local time for the location you are looking at.
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This time is corrected for local time zones and where possible for daylight saving times.
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Local Time

The wind direction we use on this page is the direction the wind is coming from, given in a 16 point compass format.
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This refers to the sustained average wind speed, normally averaged over a period of 10 minutes for up to 3 hrs.
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Temperature from our forecast perspective are fairly well defined, they are what we would expect to measure in a standard meteorological screen (in other words, shaded and well ventilated) at 2 metres above ground level.
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Feels Like

The relative humidity is the percent of saturation humidity, generally calculated in relation to saturated vapour density.
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The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at.
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Precip Amount

The total amount of cloud as a percentage is derived from looking at cloud cover throughout the atmosphere and estimating how these combine when looked at from the ground.
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Cloud Amount

Here we try to capture the feel of the weather as an image – it will never be perfect but is useful for a quick overview.
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When we measure for forecast air pressure we are normally doing this relative to a certain height and most commonly relative to Mean Sea Level.
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